Final Cut is a documentary by Joeri Pruys uncovering the remarkable story behind ‘Body Art’, a 1975 Dutch TV program featuring now famous performance artist Marina Abramović. The program, made by the father of Joeri Pruys, became the center of a scandal and was never broadcast. What happened to the footage of Abramović’ first performance in the Netherlands?

80-90 minutes
In production
  • Written and directed by Joeri Pruys
  • Camera Ewoud Bon
  • Produced by Rainproof Media

The documentary poses a seemingly simple but multi-layered question: who decides what we see? Using unique archival footage and exclusive interviews with people directly involved, including Marina Abramović herself, we tell a remarkable story of moral panic and state censorship in what many would call one of the world’s most progressive countries.

The film is made with the kind help of the Marina Abramović Institute, The Archives of De Appel Amsterdam and the Stedelijk Museum, among many others.

More info soon. All inquiries: